P>For one, then, hurt with generosity here, welcome to another great adventure in the outdoors. Today, Dana and I are out doing something a little bit different. Today, we are looking for gemstones, not gold. For once, gemstones. In fact, a specific gemstone. I just picked up a claim for rhodonite. Yes, rhodonite. If you don't know what it is, I'll show you some pictures of rhodonite in a second and explain what you can do with it and all that stuff. But first, the title screen music. So, this is the Ashinola River. The Ashinola River, by Jeremiah. Beautiful river. And with it, there's a bunch of rhodonite exposures along it. Now, my claim is just up that little creek, up in the gully up there. And there's a known rhodonite exposure. Now, rhodonite can create gemmy crystals like this. But typically, around here, it's more of the boulder form of rhodonite, which is great for carving, making cabs, and all sorts of spheres and eggs and neat stuff. First, we have to go up there, up that creek right over there, and see what we can find, if we can find that exposure. Now, luckily, we don't have to cross the Ashinola on foot. There is a bridge just up the road here which will take us across. (Don't mind me tripping.) We'll take us across the river, and then there's a road that heads up into the hills where the exposure should be. I also see some trails heading up that way, so we might hike up from below as well, just to see what it's like. Beautiful blue sky here, but spring prospecting, springtime prospecting, you never know what to expect for weather. I have some good snow up in the hills close by. You never know what...
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Ca-16 Form: What You Should Know
All federal employees must utilize this form if they are required to be seen by a medical specialist for work related injury.
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